4  Some Hard Python concepts

4.1 Language

Python is a programming language. In other words, it is a collection of syntaxes.

4.2 Interpreters

Python needs to be interpreted into codes that computers can understand. Therefore there should be some programs that translate Python scripts. These programs are called interpreters.

CPython is the refernce interpreter of Python programming language, and it is the most widely used ones for Python. It is written in C and Python. When Python programming language introduces new features, they are developed based on CPython, and are first implemented in CPython. Sometimes an interpreter is also called an implementation.

There are alternatives to CPython, like PyPy, Jython, IronPython, etc.. In theory, any Python scripts should be able to run on any of these implementations, and the result should be the same. The differences mainly come from perfamance and compatiblity with non-Python packages. For example, CPython is executed by a C interpreter. Therefore it is very easy to write C-extensions for your Python code. Jython, since it is implemented in Java, makes it very easy to work with other Java programs that you can import any Java classes with no additional effort.

Since CPython is most-widely used and tested, it is the best choice, at least for beginners. And actually, if you have no idea about this topic, but you use Python, it is highly possible that you are using CPython.

We mentioned “interpreter” here. There are mainly two types of implimentations of programming langauges: interpreters and compilers. There are also some additional types like just-in-time compilers which can be treated as combinations of the two.

Python is usually treated as an interpreted language since CPython is an interpreter. One of Python’s most useful features is its interactive interpreter, which allows for very fast testing of ideas without the overhead of creating test files as is typical in most programming languages.

4.3 REPL

There are two ways to use Python interpreter. The default way is that Python interpreter reads a file and execute a script from there. The second way is called the intereactive shell, that Python interpreter read the input from user directly, and print the result immediately. The model is like code example: prompt the user for some code, and when they’ve entered it, execute it in the same process. This model is often called a REPL, or Read-Eval-Print-Loop.

Shell, terminal, console have different meanings in their original contexts. However, nowadays, especially when talking about Python intereactive shell, these terminologies are used interchangeably. They are referred to the frontend of the system. In other words, the main task for the Python intereactive shell is to handle the user inputs and communicate with the backend, which is also called a kernel. We won’t distinguish the real differences between these terminologies. The kernel will be discussed in the next section.

The standard interactive Python interpreter can be invoked on the command line with the python command. Note that you should make sure that the PATH system enviroment variable is configured, otherwise you have to specifiy the path to the Python execuatable file. To quit the intereactive shell you can type the commands quit()/exit()/Ctrl+Z then Enter.


In the REPL model, the backend (evaluation) is basically handled by the Python interpreter. The frontend is dealing with the user interface. Some typically tasks include the primary/secondary prompt and multi-line commands. The original REPL is very limited.

4.4 IPython

IPython was initially designed as an Enhanced interactive Python shell. However after many year’s development, the whole IPython project becomes too big to maintain as one single project. Therefore it is now split into many smaller projects. The two most popular projects are IPython and Jupyter. This is called the Big Split.

The current IPython play two fundamental roles:

  • Terminal IPython as the familiar REPL;
  • The IPython kernel (which is defined below) that provides computation and communication with the frontend interfaces, like the notebook.

The core idea in the design of IPython is to abstract and extend the notion of a traditional REPL environment by decoupling the evaluation into its own process. We call this process a kernel: it receives execution instructions from clients and communicates the results back to them.

This decoupling allows us to have several clients connected to the same kernel, and even allows clients and kernels to live on different machines. This two-process model is now used by most of the Jupyter project.

You can launch the IPython shell on the command line with the ipython command (which similar to python case requires PATH configuration), and quit the shell with exit/exit()/quit/quit() commands.

The reference Python kernel provided by IPython is called ipykernel. With ipykernel you may create and maintain multiple kernels.

4.5 Jupyter

Jupyter projects contain many subprojects, which includes Jupyter User Interfaces. The Jupyter user interfaces offer a foundation of interactive computing environments where scientific computing, data science, and analytics can be performed using a wide range of programming languages. This includes Jupyter console, Jupyter qtconsole, and Jupyter notebook. Here we mainly focus on Jupyter notebook.

Jupyter notebooks are structured data that represent your code, metadata, content, and outputs. When saved to disk, the notebook uses the extension .ipynb, and uses a JSON structure. After receiving the user input, the notebook communicates with the kernel using JSON messages sent over ZeroMQ sockets. The protocol used between the frontends and the kernel is described in Messaging in Jupyter.

A kernel process can be connected to more than one frontend simultaneously. In this case, the different frontends will have access to the same variables.

This design was intended to allow easy development of different frontends based on the same kernel, but it also made it possible to support new languages in the same frontends, by developing kernels in those languages. The Jupyter Notebook Application has three main kernels: the ipykernel, irkernel and ijulia kernels. Actually the name of Jupyter comes from these three programming languages for data science: Julia, Python and R.

4.6 Multi-kernels setup

This section is mainly following the official document.

To install one IPython kernel, you may use conda or pip to install ipykernel in the environment. If you want to have multiple IPython kernels for different virtualenvs or conda environments, you will need to specify unique names for the kernelspecs.

  1. Activate the environment you want.
conda activate myenv
  1. Install the kernel in the environment.
conda install jupyter
python -m ipykernel install --user --name myenv --display-name "Python (myenv)"

--user means that the kernel is installed in the user’s folder instead of a system folder, and it can be removed. The --name value (in this case it is myenv) is used by Jupyter internally. These commands will overwrite any existing kernel with the same name. --display-name is what you see in the notebook menus.

  1. You could use the command to find all kernels installed in your system.
jupyter kernelspec list

Available kernels are shown, as well as the path to the kernel configuration file kernel.json. The most important configuration is the path to the Python interpreter executatable file.

 "argv": [
 "display_name": "Python (3.10)",
 "language": "python",
 "metadata": {
  "debugger": true
  1. There is a possibility that Jupyter cannot find the kernel you create in a conda environment. In this case you may want to try nb_conda_kernels. This is a tool to enable a Jupyter notebook in one conda environment to access kernels found in other environments. It should be installed in the environment from which you run Jupyter Notebook or JupyterLab. This might be your base conda environment, but it need not be. After you finish installation, you may use jupyter kernelspec list to check whether it works.