Gini impurity
3.1. Gini impurity#
To split a dataset, we need a metric to tell whether the split is good or not. The two most popular metrics that are used are Gini impurity and Entropy. The two metrics don’t have essential differences, that the results obtained by applying each metric are very similar to each other. Therefore we will only focus on Gini impurity since it is slightly easier to compute and slightly easier to explain.
3.1.1. Motivation and Definition#
Assume that we have a dataset of totally \(n\) objects, and these objects are divided into \(k\) classes. The \(i\)-th class has \(n_i\) objects. Then if we randomly pick an object, the probability to get an object belonging to the \(i\)-th class is
If we then guess the class of the object purely based on the distribution of each class, the probability that our guess is incorrect is
Therefore, if we randomly pick an object that belongs to the \(i\)-th class and randomly guess its class purely based on the distribution but our guess is wrong, the probability that such a thing happens is
Consider all classes. The probability at which any object of the dataset will be mislabelled when it is randomly labeled is the sum of the probability described above:
This is the definition formula for the Gini impurity.
Definition 3.1
The Gini impurity is calculated using the following formula
where \(p_i\) is the probability of class \(i\).
The way to understand Gini impurity is to consider some extreme examples.
Example 3.1
Assume that we only have one class. Therefore \(k=1\), and \(p_1=1\). Then the Gini impurity is
This is the minimum possible Gini impurity. It means that the dataset is pure: all the objects contained are of one unique class. In this case, we won’t make any mistakes if we randomly guess the label.
Example 3.2
Assume that we have two classes. Therefore \(k=2\). Consider the distribution \(p_1\) and \(p_2\). We know that \(p_1+p_2=1\). Therefore \(p_2=1-p_1\). Then the Gini impurity is
When \(0\leq p_1\leq 1\), this function \(Gini(p_1)\) is between \(0\) and \(0.5\).
It gets \(0\) when \(p_1=0\) or \(1\). In these two cases, the dataset is still a one-class set since the size of one class is \(0\).
It gets \(0.5\) when \(p_1=0.5\). This means that the Gini impurity is maximized when the size of different classes are balanced.
3.1.2. Algorithm#
To compute the Gini impurity, we
Algorithm 3.1
Inputs A dataset \(S=\{data=[features, label]\}\) with labels.
Outputs The Gini impurity of the dataset.
Get the size \(n\) of the dataset.
Go through the label list, and find all unique labels: \(uniqueLabelList\).
Go through each label \(l\) in \(uniqueLabelList\) and count how many elements belonging to the label, and record them as \(n_l\).
Use the formula to compute the Gini impurity:
\[ Gini = 1-\sum_{l\in uniqueLabelList}\left(\frac{n_l}{n}\right)^2. \]
The sample codes are listed below:
import pandas as pd
def gini(S):
N = len(S)
y = S[:, -1].reshape(N)
gini = 1 - ((pd.Series(y).value_counts()/N)**2).sum()
return gini